As a Store owner, I want to Disable Adjustment Refund field\
4. Main flow (Required)
The most common path of interactions between the user & the system:
Staff finds the order that the customer want to refund by expanding the Menu Side Bar and selecting Order History. Staff then searches for the order using order ID/customer info/scanning receipt and then selects the order that the customer want to refund
Staff then clicks “Refund” button in the Order Details page. The POS processes and displays “Refund Items” page for that specific order.
Staff then select the item and the number of items that the customer want to refund and clicks “Next” button. In case the customer want to return and refund all item that they bought, staff can select “Use Max Qty to Refund” toggle. POS system processes and prompt Refund Adjustment Page
In Refund Adjustment page, the “Adjustment Fee” field is disabled and the value is now set as “0.00” as default on POS system. Cashier selects “Next” to proceed to refund for customer as usual.
5. Fit & Gap analysis (Keep internal)
Compare this use case with the current Magestore solution to identify 3 types: