Sales by Payment Type

I/ Overview

  1. As a store manager, if you want to check which payment method is popular in your store during the checkout, or which payment the customer often uses to refund, this report is for you

  2. To access the Sale by Time-frame report: Omni-channel Reports > Report Dashboard > All reports > Sales reports > Sales by Payment Type or Omni-channel Reports > Sales → Sales by Payment Type

The Sales by Payment Type Report page is displayed with the default view as below:

  1. Report details

On the main page, you can select metrics of the orders you would like to see in the report, based on the information you would like to see, including:

  • Time range

You can set the time range in which you want to see all the orders (From a date To another specific one)

  • Data Used

Date used:

You can select either Order Created or Order Updated

By default, the setting would be Order Created

+ Order Created: Show report based on the date the order is created

+ Order Updated: Show report based on the date the order was last updated

  • Sales Channel

There are three options: All, Website, POS that you can select to show the report based on the selected channel. By default, the setting would be All

  • Location (This setting only shows when the Sales Channel is POS)

Include all the available locations where you use POS. You can select the location to show the data based on the selected location.

  • Report by

There are 2 options: Hour, Weekday that you can select to show the data based on hour or weekday.

  • Data detail



On this report, there will be 2 types of columns: columns that are shown by default and columns that are hidden by default when you access the report

Columns that are shown by default

Payment Type

  • Name of the payment type

Total Paid

  • The total paid by the payment type

  • Value= the amount that the user uses the payment to invoice the order

  • The currency will follow the Base Currency of the magento site.

% Total Paid

  • The contributions as % of this payment type over the total paid

  • Value= Total paid of the payments/ Total paid of all payment types

  • The currency will follow the Base Currency of the magento site

Number of Selling Transactions

  • The number of selling transaction of each payment type

  • Recorded when the order having that payment is invoiced.

Average Transaction Value

  • The average transaction value of each payment type

  • Value= Total paid of each payment type/ Number of Selling Transactions of each payment type

  • The currency will follow the Base Currency of the magento site

Columns that are hidden by default


  • The refunded amount of each payment type

  • The currency will follow the Base Currency of the magento site

  • This column is hidden by default.

Number of Refunding Transactions

  • The number of refunding transaction of each payment type

  • This column is hidden by default.


  • The total Discounts of all orders that paid by the payment type during the selected report period.

  • The currency will follow the Base Currency of the magento site.

  • This column is hidden by default.


  • The total tax of all orders that paid by the payment type during the selected report period.

  • The currency will follow the Base Currency of the magento site.

  • This column is hidden by default.

Shipping (excl. Tax)

  • The total shipping cost of all orders that paid by the payment type during the selected report period.

  • The currency will follow the Base Currency of the magento site.

  • This column is hidden by default.

Grand Total

  • The total Grand Total of all orders that paid by the payment type during the selected report period.

  • Grand Total = Subtotal + Tax - Discount + Shipping.

  • The currency will follow the Base Currency of the magento site.

  • This column is hidden by default.


  • The total Subtotal of all orders that paid by the payment type during the selected report period.

  • The currency will follow the Base Currency of the magento site.

  • This column is hidden by default.

II/ Filter Report Data

On this report, you can filter by the Payment Type (dropdown), Total Paid (from-to), Number of Selling Transactions (from-to), Average Transaction Value (from-to)

III/ Chart

In this chart, you can compare the data of each metric in the Report by selecting the value through the Select Metrics dropdown including (Total Paid, % Total Paid, Number of Selling Transactions, Average Transaction Value, Refunded, Number of Refunding Transactions, Discount, Tax, Shipping (excl. Tax), Grand Total, Subtotal).

For the metrics that display the contribution of the data over the total, they will be shown by the pie chart, and the rest is shown by bar chart.


Example of a metric shown by bar chart
Example of a metric shown by pie chart