
Customized Magestore POS Package is the customer environment-specific package, it contains the Original POS Package that you are purchased and all customized works that we have done for you (including bug fixing, new features, integration with 3rd extension).

Customized Magestore POS Package is the customer environment-specific package, it contains the Original POS Package that you are purchased and all customized works that we have done for you (including bug fixing, new features, integration with 3rd extension).


This guide applies to the brand new installation of Customized Magestore POS on your website (you don’t have any Magestore POS installed on your website yet). In case that you want to migrate from the old Magestore POS system or upgrade across lines of POS, please contact with Magestore Support Team to get a suitable guideline.

If you are looking for a guide to update Customized Magestore POS, it’s here.

Compatibility Check

Please check the link below to make sure that the POS version you are having is compatible with your current Magento version.


Magestore POS Line 4 (POS Pro 4, POS Pro Commerce 4, POS Enterprise 4, POS Enterprise Commerce 4) requires MSI to be installed and enabled before installing the POS. You can follow the guide Install Inventory Management from Magento to install and enable MSI.

POS Installation

(info) The steps marked in bold are required

  1. Take a backup of your website
    The backup will help you recover faster in case you fail to install Magestore POS due to some conflict with other extensions or unexpected incidents while installing the POS.

  2. Turn on Maintenance

    php bin/magento maintenance:enable
  3. Turn off Magento Cron

    php bin/magento cron:remove
  4. Turn on Developer mode

    php bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer
  5. Upload the package to the Magento Root Directory

    1. Upload file via WinSCP (Windows)

    2. Upload package via Filezilla (Windows, Ubuntu)

  6. Extract the package to the Magento Root Directory

    cd <magento_root_directory>
    tar -xf <package_name>
    # or use the below command If your received a package in zip type
    unzip <package_name>
  7. Set indexer mode to real-time

    php bin/magento indexer:set-mode realtime
  8. Run Magento upgrade (Install POS)

    php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  9. Deploy POS client apps

    php bin/magento webpos:deploy
  10. Run code compilation

    php bin/magento setup:di:compile
  11. Install Laminas Barcode

    composer require laminas/laminas-barcode ^2.8 
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  12. Adjust the Redis session configuration
    (blue star) Note: Only set up this configuration if you are using Redis for Magento Session.
    12.1. Open file app/etc/env.php in your favorite editor
    12.2. Scroll down to the session section below

    Redis coniguration

    12.3. Edit the value max_concurrency to a suitable number. Magento recommends we set that number by 10% of the number of PHP processes. If you don't know that then try in the range from 6 to 24 is fine. For example 20

  13. Configure Message Queue
    (blue star) Please make sure the Magento Cron was installed and the POS you are having meets the below conditions to make Magestore POS work with Magento Message Queue.

  14. Install Magento Cron

    php bin/magento cron:install
  15. Set indexer mode back to the schedule

    php bin/magento indexer:set-mode schedule
  16. Reindex All

    php bin/magento indexer:reindex
  17. Turn on the Production mode

    php bin/magento deploy:mode:set production
  18. Turn off Maintenance

    php bin/magento maintenance:disable