1. Please download latest release package, then unzip

  2. All source code of Magestore POS Open Source is in client/pos

  3. Please install npm to run build PWA Pos https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm

  4. Upload your POS customize to source code of PWA POS

  5. In folder client/pos run command line “npm install”

  6. To build POS please run npm run build in folder client/pos

  7. Please copy all data in folder client/pos/build to folder server/app/code/Magestore/Webpos/build/apps/pos/ (If it doesn't have that folder please create it).

  8. Copy folder server/app/code/Magestore to folder <magento root>/app/code/

  9. Run command line to install all extension of Magestore

    php bin/magento setup:upgrade; 
    php bin/magento setup:di:compile;
    php bin/magento cache:flush;
  10. Please run the command line php bin/magento webpos:deploy to deploy POS.