Stock availability by store on eCommerce

Stock availability by store on eCommerce

1. Use case name

Stock availability by store on eCommerce

2. Keywords

Stock qty, product page, store pick up, click & collect, stock availability, salable qty

3. Actors + description

  • As an online customer, on the product page, I want to see the stock availability in each store so I can select the pick-up store that has the product available

4. Pre-conditions

The business has a physical location that stores the product.

5. Main flow

  • The online customer clicks to view the detailed information of the product on the product page on the e-commerce website

  • The customer is able to view the salable qty of the item in each store.

6. Fit & Gap analysis (Keep internal)

Compare this use case with the current Magestore solution to identify 3 types:

FIT 100%
Partially FIT + What is the GAP then?
GAP 100%

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