Refund reason & report

Refund reason & report

1. Use case name (Required)

Refund reason & report

2. Keywords (Required)

Refund reason, refund report

3. Actors + description (Required)

  • As a store owner, I would like to allow staff to choose the refund reason so I can track down and analyse later based on the reason report to manage business more efficiently and reduce the refund as much as possible.

4. Pre-conditions

Admin needs to set up the reason to refund items as a list for POS staff to choose from


5. Post-conditions

Any states that the system must be in or conditions that must be met after the use case is completed successfully. These will be met if the main flow or alternative is allowed. Some exceptions may result in failure to meet the Post-conditions.

6. Main flow (Required)

The most common path of interactions between the user & the system:

  1. When do a refund, cashier can choose the reason to refund from the list

  2. As a cashier, they still can make a note if the preset refund reasons are not enough

  3. Cashier can see customer refunds with reason in Order History directly on POS

  4. Cashier/Manager views refund reports in the backend that can include the following information:

    • Date / Time

    • Order number

    • Customer

    • Customer ID/P#

    • Refund items

    • Refund value

    • Refund reason

    • Filter by column

8. Fit & Gap analysis (Keep internal)

Compare this use case with the current Magestore solution to identify 3 types:

FIT 100%
Partially FIT + What is the GAP then?
GAP 100%

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