Select the refund reasons

Select the refund reasons

1. Use case name

Select the refund reasons

2. Keywords

refund reason, dropdown, return reason, return report

3. Actors + description

  • As a cashier, I want to select the refund reason from a pre-defined list so it will save time for the staff as well as easier for me to categorize the refund reason later on.

4. Pre-conditions

The order of the returned product is found in the system.

6. Main flow

  • As an admin, I can define the list of the common refund reasons in advance.

  • At the store, after the staff selects the order & refunded items, before completing the refunding process, the system will show the pre-defined list in a dropdown so the staff can quickly select a reason that explains why the customer wants the refund the product.

  • In case. there is no option matching with the customer reason, the staff can note by text then.

8. Fit & Gap analysis (Keep internal)

Compare this use case with the current Magestore solution to identify 3 types:

FIT 100%
Partially FIT + What is the GAP then?
GAP 100%

Currently, the staff can manually input the reason by text only.