Integrate online payment gateway to POS

Integrate online payment gateway to POS

1. Use case name

Integrate online payment gateway (Braintree) to POS

2. Keywords

online payment, payment gateway, integrated payment, card reader.

3. Actors+ description

  • As a cashier, I want the online payment gateway Braintree to be available to check out in the store as well so I can use the same payment that I’m using on the e-commerce website

4. Main flow (Required)

  • When customers request to pay by Braintree, the cashier selects the Braintree method as a payment method to check out in POS.

  • POS system sends a payment request to the Payment gateway

  • The cashier gets the card from the customer and swipes the card through the card reader which is connected to Magestore Point Of Sales (POS) or inputs card information manually:

  • Credit card information and signature are sent to the Payment gateway and the payment gateway will do the job of getting money from the customer account.

  • The payment gateway returns payment status Success/ Failure

8. Fit & Gap analysis (Keep internal)

Compare this use case with the current Magestore solution to identify 3 types:

FIT 100%
Partially FIT + What is the GAP then?
GAP 100%

By default, the current Magestore POS only supports http://authorize.net . Other online payment gateways may request further integration.