Change Label "House Name + Suffix" in Customer's Address
1. Use case name (Required)
Change Label "House Name + Suffix" in Customer's Address
2. Keywords (Required)
customer address, house name, suffix, change label
3. Actors + description (Required)
As a cashier, I want to change the Address 2 and 3 into House Name and Suffix in Customer Address Form
4. Main flow (Required)
The most common path of interactions between the user & the system:
Cashier opens the Customer Form by selecting the customer name so that they can edit the customer’s address. The POS processes and prompt “Edit Information” popup
Cashier selects the address that they want to add information (e.g. house name and suffix) on. The POS system process and prompts “Edit Address” popup
Cashier fills in the house name and suffix of the address and clicks “Save”. The POS system processes and displays “Address Preview” in “Edit Information” popup with customer’s address now showing the house name and suffix entered earlier.
If the customer decides to get the purchased items shipped to their home instead of picking it up in store, the cashier selects “Add Shipping”. The POS processes and displays all the addresses associated with the customer’s account. These addresses would include the house name and suffix as well if it is already input.
5. Fit & Gap analysis (Keep internal)
Compare this use case with the current Magestore solution to identify 3 types:
The label now is Street Address 2 and Street Address 3