Take payment using PayPlaza Payment Method
1. Use case name (Required)
Take payment using PayPlaza Payment Method
2. Keywords (Required)
take payment, PlayPlaza
3. Actors + description (Required)
As a store staff, I want to take customer payment using PayPlaza payment method
4. Pre-conditions
PayPlaza payment method is enabled in the POS configuration\
5. Main flow (Required)
The most common path of interactions between the user & the system:
Cashier add the items that customer want to purchase in the cart and proceed to check-out by clicking on the “Amount” button. The POS system processes and displays the Select Payment Method page.
Cashier then select the payment method that the customer want to use paying for their purchase by clicking on the button representing PayPlaza payment method. The POS processes and prompt Take Payment page associated with PayPlaza payment method
Cashier then enters the amount that customer want to pay using PayPlaza payment method and click “Amount” Button to submit customer’s payment. The POS system processes and sends the payment information to PayPlaza including Order amount and Currency.
Cashier guides customer to insert their card to the payment terminal available at the check-out to make payment. The POS system then receives the transaction result from PayPlaza including Status and Reference number. If the transaction succeed, the POS system processes the order and change the order status to “Complete”, as also displays the following message “Order xxx has been created successfully”. The POS then automatically prints out the receipt so that the cashier can give it to the customer as proof of purchase. Besides regular information normally appears on the receipt, information associated with the PayPlaza transaction will be included as well (e.g. terminal, merchant, ECR, stan, contactless, processor, authorize code, amount, reference number etc.)
6. Fit & Gap analysis (Keep internal)
Compare this use case with the current Magestore solution to identify 3 types:
Cashier cannot proceed payment with PayPlaza on POS at the moment