Remove permission to reorder/cancel/edit/transfer

Remove permission to reorder/cancel/edit/transfer

1. Use case name (Required)

Remove permission to reorder/cancel/edit/transf

2. Keywords (Required)

remove, permission, not allowed, reorder, cancel order, edit order, transfer order

3. Actors + description (Required)

  • As an admin, I want to create permission for my staff so that I can restrict them from reordering/canceling/editing/transferring order

4. Main flow (Required)

The most common path of interactions between the user & the system:

  1. The admin searches for the role of the staff that they want to adjust permission in Magento Backend > POS > Manage Roles and clicks “Edit” button to edit the configuration of the selected role. The system processes and displays “Edit Role” page

  2. The admin selects “Permission” to view and edit all the permissions associated with the selected role. The system processes and display the “Permission” page

  3. The admin clicks on the “Resource Access” dropdown and change the default value to “Custom”. The system processes and displays all the permissions/rules/resources associated with the selected role.

  4. The admin deselects “Cancel Order” option to disallow staff to cancel an order, “Reorder” option to disallow staff to make reorder, “Edit Order” option to disallow staff to edit an order, “Transfer Order” option to disallow staff to transfer an order, and clicks “Save”. The system processes and automatically switch off these options on the POS.

5. Fit & Gap analysis (Keep internal)

Compare this use case with the current Magestore solution to identify 3 types:

FIT 100%
Partially FIT + What is the GAP then?
GAP 100%

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