Show warning message when adding out-of-stock product

Show warning message when adding out-of-stock product

1. Use case name (Required)

Show warning message when adding out-of-stock product

2. Keywords (Required)

warning message, notification, add, out-of-stock, product, cart

3. Actors + description (Required)

  • As a cashier, I want the system to notify me with a message when I'm adding an out of stock product

4. Main flow (Required)

The most common path of interactions between the user & the system:

  1. Cashier adds the items that customer want to purchase in the cart by clicking on the image of an item and proceed to check-out by clicking on the “Amount” button. The POS system checks the available quantity of the item and displays warning message “The product is out of stock. Do you still want to add it?” if the product is out of stock

  2. Cashier selects “Add item” button if they still wish to add out of stock item into cart so that the store can still secure sales at that moment and the customer will get items later (pick up/get it shipped) later when the product is back in stock. The POS processes and adds out of stock item into cart.

5. Alternative flows (if any)

2.a. Cashier selects “Cancel” button if they do not want to add out of stock item into cart, The POS system returns to cart without adding out of stock item into customer’s cart

6. Fit & Gap analysis (Keep internal)

Compare this use case with the current Magestore solution to identify 3 types:

FIT 100%
Partially FIT + What is the GAP then?
GAP 100%

POS supports adding OOS product into cart but it does not warn user about this

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