Backorders restock status
1. Use case name
Backorders restock status
2. Keywords
Backorders, order fulfillment
3. Benefit for users/retailers (Required)
Store owners can tell which backorders are ready to ship out without handling too many tabs and reports.
6. Related sections (Optional)
Related use cases: Who reads this use case also read other use cases
Related modules in the same industry: Order Fulfillment
7. Actors + description (Required)
As a Store owner I'd like to know which backorders are ready to ship after receiving PO from suppliers ( both partial and full shipment)
8. Pre-conditions
Store owner uses Order fulfillment module and have backorders
10. Main flow (Required)
The most common path of interactions between the user & the system:
Step 1: After receiving PO from Suppliers, Staff complete the PO and inventory is updated automatically.
Step 2: Staff click on Fulfillment module and choose Backorder in Order listing
Based on “ Restock Status” , staff can tell which order is ready to fulfill:
+ Full instock => Ready for full shipment or partial shipment
+ Partial instock => Ready for partial shipment
+ Out of stock => Can’t ship.
Details of Backorder product will be listed out along with Incoming Qty from processing PO
12. Fit & Gap analysis (Keep internal)
Compare this use case with the current Magestore solution to identify 3 types: