How POS Location relating to Magento Stock and Source

Magestore POS is a new sales channel of Magento, likes Magento website. Therefore, following the architecture of Magento Inventory Management, the POS Location will be linked to Magento Stock and Magento Source. When you create a new POS Location, you also need to create a Magento Stock and Magento Source to manage inventory of that Location.

This is the data flow from Magento Inventory to Magestore POS.

The data flow from Magento Inventory to Magestore POS.
  • Magento Source: contains the physical quantity of items in a Location. If you want to set up inventory of POS Location, you need to configure the quantity of items in the linked Magento Source.

  • Magento Stock: contains the salable quantity of items in a location. The items in the Stock will be displayed on the POS screen. Then cashiers can sell them to customers. The salable quantity can be less than physical quantity. The difference comes from sales orders awaiting to ship.

  • POS Location: your physical location, e.g. a physical store, popup store, and event store, that you want to sell items on POS.