How to Complete Ship Items from Order History

How to Complete Ship Items from Order History

POS users can ship items from Order History without logging into Magento backend.

Step 1: Take shipment

From the POS menu, head to Order History. Select the order with the items you want to ship. On the bottom right side of the POS screen, press Take Shipment.

The Take Shipment button is on the bottom right of the Order History screen.

The POS will then switch to Ship Items screen.


You can create shipment on POS for Simple, Bundle, Configurable, and Custom Sales products.

Step 2: Select items and quantity to ship

The Ship Items screen displays all items that haven’t been shipped completely.

Ship Items screen

To choose the quantity to ship, you can:

  • Use the plus (+) button to increase quantity by 1 and minus (-) to decrease by 1

  • Click on the number box and type in the quantity

  • Use the toggle button Select max Qty to Ship on the top left. The POS automatically maximizes the quantity to ship for all items.

In case you want to cancel shipping, select the Cancel button on the top left and confirm your action.

Cancelling shipment will take you back to the Order History screen.

Step 3: Finalize shipment

Press Ship at the bottom center to finalize the shipping process. You can input the reason for shipment if needed.

Press Yes to complete shipment.


The POS will create shipment for the item and quantity you selected.

Order details

The shipped quantity will be updated in POS Order History and Magento Sales Orders.

Shipment comments

You can review the time and reason for shipping as well.

Quantity per Source

When you create shipment on a POS, the system will deduct the quantity of the Source linked to that POS location. For example:

  • POS location A is linked to Source A and Stock A.

  • POS location B is linked to Source B and Stock B.

  • You create an order in location A. Then you ship 5 items of this order from POS location B. The system will deduct the Quantity per Source of Source B.

  • If you ship these items from location A, the system will deduct the Quantity per Source of Source A.

Salable Quantity

Consider the previous example:

  • If you create an order with 5 items in location A, the system will deduct the Salable Quantity of Stock A by 5. If you ship these items from location A, there’s no change in Salable Quantity.

  • However, if you ship these items from location B, the system will deduct the Salable Quantity of Stock B by 5. It will also add 5 items back to the Salable Quantity of Stock A.