How to add a new Earning Rate
Earning Rate information enables users to define that if customers spend X amount of money for purchasing, they will get how many corresponding earning points.
Please follow this guide to learn how to add a new Earning Rate.
Add a new Earning Rate
Step 1: Follow the path: Customers > Reward Points > Earning section > Earning Rates. To create a new Earning Rate, click on the Add New Earning Rate button.
Step 2: Add Earning Rate information:
Amount of money spent | Yes | To define the money amount a customer spent to get earning rate. |
Earning Point(s) | Yes | To define earning point(s) a customer receives after spending the corresponding amount of money. |
Status | Yes | To activate or deactivate this earning rate. |
Websites | Yes | To select a website or websites which this earning rate is applied on. |
Customer groups | Yes | To select a customer group or customer groups which this earning rate is applied on. |
Priority | No | To define the priority of this earning rate to the others. |
After you complete all, click Save Earning Rate or Save and Continue Edit button to save your work.
Disable Earning Rate
You cannot delete Earning Rate. If you do not want to use any Earning Rate, inactivate it by following these steps:
Select the Earning Rate that you do not want to use anymore.
In the Status field, change status into Inactive.
Click Save Earning Rate or Save and Continue Edit button to apply your change.