I/ Overview
1/ Suppose that there are many cashiers working in shifts in your store, at the end of the month, you would like to check who is the “Star of the month” - who is doing well and who’s not, or simply that on top of their fixed salary, they can receive a commission based on their sales. In that case, you can view "Sales by Staff" Report in Magento backend so as to get insights of all staff’s performance and calculate commission.
2/ To access the Location Overview report:
1 - On the Left Menu, click on Omni-channel Reports
2 - Go to POS > Sales by Staff
Alternative Path: Go to Omni-channel Reports > Report Dashboard > All reports > POS reports > Sales by Staff
The Sales by Staff Report page is displayed with the default view as below:
3/ Report details
On the main page, you can select metrics of the orders you would like to see in the report, based on the information you would like to see, including:
a. Date used:
You can select either Order Created or Order Updated
By Default, the setting would be Order Created
Order Created : Show report based on the date order is created
Order Updated: Show report based on the date order is last updated
The Order Updated report is created in real time and does not require a refresh
b. Location:
In this dropdown, you will select the location for which you would like to check the details of the sales performance.
c. Time range
Once the period has been selected, you can set the time range in which you want to see all the orders for. The pre-set ranges are Today (by default), Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, This year, Last year, in case you want to have a quick view, yet in case you want to check a specific time range outside the above, i.e a special promotion period (Christmas & New Year), you can select Custom Range and set it From a date To another specific one.
d. Data detail
Staff name: Name of the staff in the selected location
Orders: Show the number of orders counted from POS of each staff with the selected status during the defined period.
Tax: Let you know tax amount of sales of each staff during the defined time range; which equals tax invoiced minus tax refunded. You can then check the tax total you need to file for.
Discount: All discount amount during the defined time period, with the same formula. By seeing this, you can check if your staff is giving too much or too less discount, which affects the sales flow.
Refund: The total refund to customers during the selected period.
Then come more important metrics:
Revenue: Calculated based on total invoiced sales, excluding tax, refund and shipping fee.
Average Order Value: Show you the average order amount when a customer walks in and buys. If this is small, then you may find some way to push it higher by discount on bulk purchase/ recommending related products, or change your store display layout, etc.
II/ Filter Report Data
To narrow down what is shown in the analytics and the inventory list, you can use the Filter function.
1 – Click on the [Filter] button
2 – Key in details in the following filter fields:
Field Name | Type | Description |
Order | Input |
Tax | Input |
Revenue | Input |
Discount | Input |
Refund | Input |
Average Order Value | Input |
Staff name | Dropdown |
3 – Click on the [Apply Filter] button
The system will re-generate the Report Grid & Summary Data of the staff that match ALL conditions of active filters.
In this report, you can select different options to customize the view, by select the Column, filter or even export to csv file in case you need to input this to your accounting or any other third party software that allows importing