1. Use case name (Required)
Check cart information by the customer facing screen
2. Keywords (Required)
Customer-facing screen, customer dual screen, customer display screen, second screen
3. Actors + description (Required)
As a customer, I would like to view the product that the cashier is adding to the cart so I can make sure that the products are added correctly.
As a store owner, I would like to run different promotional programs/ advertise my brand on customer facing screen so customer can check other information while waiting for products to be added to the cart
4. Pre-conditions
Customer Facing Display can be customized to fit your shop's branding needs under Settings > Company Branding. You can add both a logo and a background image. When selecting images for your background and logo, please note the following requirements and recommendations.
5. Post-conditions
Any states that the system must be in or conditions that must be met after the use case is completed successfully. These will be met if the main flow or alternative is allowed. Some exceptions may result in failure to meet the Post-conditions.
6. Main flow (Required)
The most common path of interactions between the user & the system:
While cashier adds product to cart, customer facing screen visually presents the following order details simultaneously
Item details
Subtotal price (for tax-exclusive accounts)
Tax percentage and total (if applicable)
Total price for the order
In addition to the preconfigured background, the dual screen can show the information such as promotion program, advertising video, affiliate program or a way to get feedbacks from clients. For example, you can set the screen to ask questions from customers and get their answers right away. This will help you to know what needs to be maintained or improved.
8. Fit & Gap analysis (Keep internal)
Compare this use case with the current Magestore solution to identify 3 types:
- FIT 100%
- Partially FIT + What is the GAP then?
- GAP 100%