1. Use case name
Open/Close session when start/end shift
2. Keywords
Open/Close session, start/end shift
3. Actors + description
As a Store Staff, I will update the open/close sessions when I start/end my shift
4. Pre-conditions
The POS Professional 4. x is installed successfully
User has permission to edit POS Roles
5. Main flow
Login to the Backend user
POS > POS Roles > Edit > Permission > Role resources > Custom
POS > POS Roles > Add New Role > Permission > Role resources > Custom
Users with Permission can log in to the POS and open the Session
Users with permission can close the session and log out in POS
A user without permission will not see the Open/Close session button
If there is any other staff who makes an order during the User's shift, he/she will enter his/her PINcode without interfering with the session. The salesman for the order will be recorded for the other staff but will remain under the User's session
6. Fit & Gap analysis (Keep internal)
Compare this use case with the current Magestore solution to identify 3 types:
- FIT 100%
- Partially FIT + What is the GAP then?
- GAP 100%