Plugin Mechanism (4h)

Plugin Mechanism (4h)

A module can modify a method of a class from core or other module.

Config Plugin

In the module, we register a plugin in file etc/config.js.

For example: We plugin for MenuComponent

import ModuleConfigAbstract from "../../ModuleConfigAbstract"; class HelloWorldConfig extends ModuleConfigAbstract{ module = ['helloworld']; plugin = { component: { MenuComponent: { // method: plugin changeRoute: { // name: plugin config giftcard: { sortOrder: 20, disabled: false, before: (item) => { console.log('20 Before' + item.path); return item; }, around: (proceed, item) => { console.log('20 Before Around' + item.path); let result = proceed(item); console.log('20 After Around' + item.path); return result; }, after: (result, item) => { console.log('20 After' + item.path); return result; }, }, rewardpoint: { sortOrder: 10, disabled: true, before: (item) => { console.log('10 Before' + item.path); return item; }, around: (proceed, item) => { console.log('10 Before Around' + item.path); let result = proceed(item); console.log('10 After Around' + item.path); return result; }, after: (result, item) => { console.log('10 After' + item.path); return result; }, } }, } } }; } export default (new HelloWorldConfig());

We have 7 type of class can be plugged in:

  1. service

  2. resource_model

  3. repository

  4. container

  5. component

  6. data_resource

To determine which type of class, we can find Factory type in source code. Example:

/** * * @type {MenuComponent} */ const component = ComponentFactory.get(MenuComponent);

Plugin Type and Running Order

Please read in Magento Plugin

Some important notes:

  1. We use this to reference to original object of plugin class. So, we don't need $subject like Magento

  2. Each plugin (after, before, around) is a function

Exercise: Use plugin to change all product image in product list to Magestore Logo

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