You need to choose the warehouse you are about to work with.
Choose order(s) to pick items
Orders will directly move to this tab. You can view the detail of each order and pick items for it. Choose orders is to scan the pick ID: Click on the Scan Picked Orders button and scan the pick ID to get orders, syntax: PICK+[pick ID] (For example: PICK1, PICK2). After you find the order, products in this order will show with Quantity to pick.
Pick items for each order
You can print Picking List in this step. There are 2 options of Picking List: Group by Pick # or Group by Product. You can pick items for many orders at once by selecting multiple orders when printing the picking list.
Pick items and scan their barcode to keep Picked Quantity is the same as Quantity To Pick. Although it isn’t recommended, you can manually click on plus buttons or Mark as Picked / Mark Picked All Items to finish picking items for an order. After that, the order will automatically move to the Pack Items step.
You need to choose the warehouse you are assigned to.
Choose order(s) to pack items
After you complete picking items, orders will directly move to this tab. You can view the detail of each order and pack items for it. Another way to choose orders is that scanning the pick ID. After you find the order, it will display the associated pack request.
Recheck item quantity of each order
To ensure correct packing in the right way, you should recheck the item quantity of each order. You can do this quickly by scanning item barcode or manage this step manually by select plus buttons.
Pack items for each order
After recheck items of each order, you need to pack all into the package(s). The system allows creating multiple packages for an order: