Why Product Doesn’t Show on POS

Why Product Doesn’t Show on POS

Sometimes on the POS, you don’t see the product you created in Magento backend. Here are 4 commons reason why it happens:

1. You set [Enable product] = No in the backend

If you don’t enable the product, the product doesn’t show on the POS.

disable product

2. The configuration “Visible on POS” = No in the product details

If you set the configuration [Visible on POS] = No, the product doesn’t show on POS.

We have another detailed article that explains how to enable product on POS.

3. Product does not belong to a location that is linked to POS

If you don’t assign the product to a specific location of the POS you are using, the product doesn’t show on POS.

We have another detailed article that explains how to assign products to a POS location

4. Product is not updated yet to your local browser

In case the POS is running in offline mode, it will update data based on the time range configured in the POS setting.

You can find these settings under Go to POS > SETTINGS > SYNCHRONIZATION

In this example, we set the sync time to 5 mins. This means the POS will update product data every 5 mins, so any changes won’t be updated immediately. You can wait for the POS to update data or manually refresh the POS by pressing F5.

To know how to set up synchronization time, you find here: How to set up Synchronization time