How to install Magestore POS Lite via composer

Install POS

The steps marked in bold are required

  1. Turn on Maintenance

    php bin/magento maintenance:enable
  2. Require Magestore POS lite

    composer require magestore/pos-lite
  1. Turn on Developer mode

    php bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer
  2. Set indexer mode to real-time

  3. Run Magento upgrade to Install POS

  4. Deploy POS client apps

  5. Run code compilation

  6. Adjust the Redis session configuration

    • Adjust manually

      • Open file app/etc/env.php in your favorite editor

      • Scroll down to the session section below

        Redis configuration
      • Edit the value max_concurrency to a suitable number. Magento recommends we set that number by 10% of the number of PHP processes. If you don’t know that then try in the range from 6 to 24 is fine. For example: 20.

    • Adjust by command

  7. Set indexer mode back to the schedule

  8. Reindex all

  9. Turn on production mode

  10. Turn off maintenance