Pay.nl Terminal

Pay.nl Terminal

1. Setting Pay.nl Terminal in the Backend

To use Pay.nl as a payment method on Point of Sales of Magestore, you first need to set up Pay.nl Terminal in the Backend.

Log in to the Backend page, on the Admin sidebar, go to POS > Admin > Settings > open the Payment for POS section > select Pay.nl

In this section, fill out the following fields:






Token Code

To retrieve the Token Code and API Token, you must first log in to your Pay.nl account. Once logged in, navigate to Manage Location and create a new Sales Location that corresponds to your store. Upon creating the Sales Location, you can then view its info to obtain the Token Code and API Token.

API Token


You can link each location to a serviceId or link multi-locations with one serviceId by simply adding locations and entering the corresponding serviceId.


Please view the information of the sales location in order to obtain the service ID.



With Pay.nl terminal, you can skip the Secret field

Pay.nl Terminal



Enter a title of payment that you want to show on POS during checkout, take payment, refund

Sort Order

Define the display order of this payment method on the checkout/take payment screen

If the Pay.nl SDK has not been installed yet, you need to install Pay.nl SDK by running the command:

composer require paynl/sdk via your ssh.

Once you've entered the necessary information to configure Pay.nl Terminal Payment, simply press the Save Config button.

2. Setting Pay.nl on the POS

Access the Pay.nl terminal through the Settings page > Payment on Magestore POS to pair it with the POS.

Click on the Refresh List button first to get the list of terminals. Then, select one to use.

you now can process checkout, take payment, and refund with this payment method.

You can only make a refund of the order with this payment method if that order is paid by this payment before