Historical Stock Report
You can view inventory statistics of each Source by day & keep the reports in a specific period (last 7 days, last 30 days, last 3 months, etc, as you set up in Configuration). The Historical
Stock Report provides Store Owners with details of each product: Quantity On-hand, Available
Quantity, Cost (Moving Average Cost), Stock Value. Go to the section List of Stock Value Report
Metrics for a better understanding of the meaning & calculation formula of each metric.
To access the Historical Stock Report:
1 - On the Left Menu, click on Report
2 - Go to Omni-channel Reports > Inventory Reports > Historical Stock Report
Alternative Path: Go to Omni-channel Reports > Report Dashboard > Overview > Inventory
Reports > Historical Stock Report
The Historical Stock Report page is displayed with the default view as below. Then, you can
download as a Zip file.
This is a sample Historical Stock Report:
Users can download a single report by clicking on to button tgz. The archive can be uncompressed:
Moreover, you can also download multiple reports at a time by using the mass action of Magento:
Besides, you can generate the Historical Stock Report manually by the following steps. After you submit this form, this generation process may take a few minutes. Then, the system will notify you when the Report has already been generated.