Stock detail report
The Stock Details Report provides Store Owners with details of each product’s quantities
(Quantity On-hand, Available Quantity, Quantity to Ship, Incoming Quantity). It helps you answer
these questions: Which products are available to be kept selling? Which products need supply?
You can get an overview of your inventory with data about:
Total Quantity On-hand
Total Incoming Quantity
Total Quantity to Ship, etc.
To access the Stock Details Report:
1 - On the Left Menu, click on Report
2 - Go to Omni-channel Reports > Inventory Reports > Stock Details
Alternative Path: Go to Omni-channel Reports > Report Dashboard > Overview > Inventory Reports > Stock Details
The Stock Details Report page is displayed with the default view as below:
Main metrics:
Warehouse: List all warehouses in the Inventory Management module that a product belongs to. Values are retrieved from Advanced Inventory > Warehouse Stocks > Stocks Listing in Catalog product
Supplier: A person or an organization provides products to the Store Owner.
Quantity On-hand: The real quantity of a product physically presented in warehouse(s)
Available Quantity: The quantity of a product in the warehouse(s) that is available to be sold. This is also displayed on the front store
Quantity to Ship: The number of items that have been ordered but have not been shipped yet. This number will be returned to Available Quantity & Quantity in Warehouse(s) if the shipment is canceled
Incoming Quantity: The stock to be received from Purchase Orders or the stock received but hasn’t been transferred to any warehouse
Please note that Incoming Quantity is displayed only if the Purchase Management module has been installed. Moreover, Incoming Quantity will not be changed when users filter by Warehouse(s) (because Incoming Quantity has not been assigned to any Warehouse yet).
Go to the section List of Stock Value Report Metrics for a better understanding of the meaning & calculation formula of each metric.
Besides, you can refer to the following sections for more details about Report data and other basic steps Stock Value Report