
A. Config Giftcard function

1. Settings

Login the Backend panel, click on Marketing on the Admin sidebar > Then under Gift Card, select Settings

2. Manage Gift Card Templates

This function helps you create unlimited templates for Gift Card with different titles, designs, images, text color and notes.

To access Gift Card Template Manager page, click on Marketing on the Admin sidebar > Then under Gift Card, select Manage Templates. You can follow this guide:

3. Gift Code History

All actions related to Gift Card such as: Create, Update, Mass Update, Spend on order, Refund and Redeem are recorded on Gift Code History page. click on Marketing on the Admin sidebar > Then under Gift Card, select Gift Code History to access this page.

On Gift Card History page, you will know when Gift Cards were created/ updated/ redeemed/ spent/ refunded and by whom as well as their values and status. You can filter data with the above criteria to get more accurate reports. Information can be exported to .CSV or .XML files.

B. Gift Card Product

1. Creating Giftcard Product

To be able to sell Gift card on your website and your POS, first you have to create a Giftcard Product (It is a new type of product created by Magestore function). this guide to create Giftcard Product

2. Selling Gift Card Product

In case customer want to buy a virtual giftcard on Website, the giftcard code will be sent to the customer through the email (or the receipients email).

In case customer want to buy a physical giftcard, please follow this guide.

One important thing is that on POS only support buying physical giftcard, or the virtual giftcard for customer themselve (not to send to other person).

After cashier has made the order on the POS, the cashier can go to Marketing → Manage Giftcode → Print the bought Giftcode

C. Importing and Generate Giftcode for promotional program

In case the store owner want to have a lot of giftcodes to give customer during promotional program (not selling giftcard), he can either import the Giftcodes from CSV files, as this guide , or Generate New Giftcodes as this guide for later using or printing physical giftcard.

D. Redeem Giftcode

Customer can redeem during their purchase on website as this guide:

Cashier can also help customer to redeem their giftcard while checking out on POS as this guide: