How to Manage POS Role

How to Manage POS Role

  1. In Magento backend, go to POS > Manage Roles.

  2. On the Role List page, click on the Add Role or Edit Role button.

  3. On the New Role page, fill in Role Name & Description in the General tab.

  4. Click on the Permission tab and select Role Resources. To grant access permissions to each role. There are 2 options:

    1. All: This role has full permissions to take all actions on PWA POS.

    2. Custom: This role only has limited permissions to take specific actions on PWA POS. If this option is selected, the Resources tree-view checkbox will be shown for you to define which permission is enabled


If you delete a certain role, the user that is assigned for that role will have no access on POS. You need to reassign role for all the users in POS Permission. All the orders had been created by the user still remain unchanged in the Magento system.

List Role


Role Information