Some troubleshooting issues, you may encounter when creating and printing shipping labels via Magestore Fulfillment with UPS carrier.

If you want to create and print shipping labels using Magestore Fulfillment with UPS Carrier, you must select this shipping method at checkout.

Follow this guide to set up UPS for your stores

When creating packages and printing shipping labels in the Magestore Fulfillment process (Step 4 - Pack Items), you may encounter some troubleshooting:
Error message: Shipping labels can't be created. verify that the store information and settings are complete and try again.

Please make sure that you have filled out the information below.

  1. Admin First Name

  2. Admin Last Name

  3. Store Name

  4. Store Phone

  5. Origin Street Address

  6. Origin City

  7. Origin Region/State

  8. Origin Zip

  9. Origin Country


System -> Configuration -> Shipping Settings to update Origin fields

System -> Configuration -> General to update store name & phone

Error message: Failed to send items

You need to ensure that the Shipper Number (UPS configuration) is filled out.