Quick Guide for Cashier

Quick Guide for Cashier

Magestore POS gives cashiers the tools and information to check out quickly. This guide walks you through your basic sales operations, from opening shift to making sales throughout the day. For more detailed instructions, check the linked articles.

Log in to POS

Log in with your username and password to start selling.

Log in to POS

Open session

To begin a new shift, open a session.

Open a new session on POS

Create orders

Follow these 6 steps to check out on POS:

Step 1. Add product

Search and select the product to cart and the quantity.

Step 2: Add customer

Select a customer for the order. You can use guest checkout, choose an existing customer, or create a new one.

Step 3: Proceed to payment

Once you’ve added products and customers, select the Amount button to proceed to payment. 

You cannot edit the shopping cart or customer after this step.

Step 4: Apply discount

You can apply discount to the whole order with a coupon code, by an amount, or percentage.

Step 5: Take payment

Use one of the following options to take payment:

  • Cash

  • Online payment gateway

  • Offline credit card

  • Credit card via terminal such as Stripe Verifone P400

  • Store credit

  • Zippay

  • Custom payment

You can use multiple payment methods for one order and accept partial payment.

Step 6: Complete the order

After payment, complete the order and print receipt

You can also use the Reorder button to quickly duplicate an existing order.

If a customer doesn’t want to make a purchase yet, you can Hold their order and check out later. 

Refund orders

In case you need to refund an order:

  1. Find the order and start the refund

  2. Select items to refund

  3. Make adjustment and review totals

  4. Select payment to refund

  5. Complete refund and notify customers

Close session

At the end of your shift or business day, end your session

  1. Set closing balance

  2. Validate session

  3. Close session and review