Receive products: Manage in-transit products
1. Use case name (Required)
Managing in-transit products for Warehouse Manager
2. Keywords (Required)
Inventory movement, manage in-transit products
3. Actors + description (Required)
As a warehouse manager, I want to manage the in-transit qty that I suppose to receive from another warehouse soon
4. Pre-conditions
The warehouse manager and/or warehouse staff already created inventory transfer in the system and selected the products that they want to sent, as also the origin and receiving sources.
5. Post-conditions
Warehouse Manager can view in-transit quantity of specific inventory transfer in Inventory Movement Action Logs.
6. Main flow (Required)
The most common path of interactions between the user & the system:
After the Warehouse Manager selects Send in Inventory Transfer, the system will deduct the old quantity of the product in the origin source and update the change quantity, as also update the in-transit quantity of the product selected for transferring.
The Inventory Movement Report in Action Logs will update the inventory transfer action performed by Warehouse Manager as In-transit quantity. Warehouse Manager can filter In-transit quantity in Inventory Movement Report to keep an eye on stock in-transit from one warehouse/location to another warehouse/location so that they can identify any potential problem and/or delay in the transit process.
The In-transit quantity will be updated when the Warehouse Manager of the receiving source confirm that they have received the product. The value of in-transit quantity will be deducted according to the actual number of receiving.
7. Fit & Gap analysis (Keep internal)
Compare this use case with the current Magestore solution to identify 3 types:
As the moment, warehouse manager cannot track in-transit product. Once they select Send in Inventory Transfer, the quantity of the origin source is deducted immediately even though the products selected in Inventory Transfer is not yet received in receiving source. Hence, warehouse manager cannot know the quantity of the product current in transfer process