Custom discount
1. Use case name
Custom discount
2. Keywords
Custom discount
3. Actors + description
As a store owner, I allow the staff to change the price of the cart due to the negotiation of the staff & the customer
4. Pre-conditions
Before you start to apply a custom discount or price to items on POS, make sure you have permission to for each role at the Back-end
5. Main flow
First, log into the POS and add product(s) to the cart. Then click on the area of the product price, the POS will display a popup for custom discount or price. The Discount tab is displayed first by default.
Step 1: Click on the Price in Order Line as in the below Screenshot
Step 2: The popup shows 2 tabs: Discount and Custom Price
Discount: Deduct the price of the item by an input amount.
Custom Price: Directly modify the price of the item.
Custom discount
In the Discount tab, there are 2 types of custom discounts:
Discount by percentage (%): Discounts items by subtracting a percentage from the final price. It means the price after applying a special price or catalog price rule (if any). For example:
Final price of item A = $200.00
Enter a custom discount = 50.00
=> The price of item A after discount = $100.00
Discount by a fixed amount ($): Discounts items by subtracting a fixed amount from the final price. For example:
Final price of item A = $200.00
Enter a custom discount = 50.00
=> The price of item A after discount = $150.00
3. Step 3: Change Discount or Customer Price as the cashier negotiated.
After applying the custom discount on the item, the new price is displayed on top of the old price (strikethrough) look like this:
Important notice: Both Custom discount and Custom price are applicable for all product types except for Bundle products.
7. Fit & Gap analysis (Keep internal)
Compare this use case with the current Magestore solution to identify 3 types: