Buy online, return offline
1. Use case name
Buy online, return offline, refund
2. Keywords
Buy online return in-store, return offline
3. Actors + description
As a customer, I want to be able to come to the merchant's store to refund my products that I purchased online
Refund can be used when customer satisfaction is low. If a customer is not happy with some of the order items (order lines) they received they can refund their item(s) for cash, store credit, or via credit card.
This scenario is also generated when a customer buys online and return in-store.
4. Pre-conditions
Order is made successfully via the Magento website.
Refund is allowed.
6. Main flow (Required)
To complete this type of refund, the process will take place on point of sale channels (POS). This is the software the store staff often use to do selling activities including return and refund.
All the online orders will sync to the point of sale channel and allow the staff to find online sales invoices or customer information to process the refund.
Staff search for order information by sales invoice, order number, customer name,…
Staff can start evaluating the goods based on the refund policy.
If the refund is needed, Staff selects items to return
Staff can select the returned items and quantity and log the reason why the customer returned each item into the retail POS system: If the items are unused or in good condition, the staff can return the items to stock for later resell.
Based on your Return policy, your staff might also adjust the refund fee or refund amount of money
Staff chooses to refund orders via multiple payment methods (cash, credit cards, store credit) for the customer and complete the return process.
8. Fit & Gap analysis (Keep internal)
Compare this use case with the current Magestore solution to identify 3 types: