Click & Collect

Click & Collect

1. Use case name (Required)

Click & Collect

2. Keywords (Required)

Store pick up, Pick up, Curbside, Click & Collect

3. Actors + description (Required)

  • As a store owner, I want the customer to have the option to collect my orders at the nearest store even customer orders online in order to save their shipping fee

4. Pre-conditions

All sources of pick-up stores shoule be connected to website stock and enabled with click & collect so that user can choose store to pick up

5. Main flow (Required)

The most common path of interactions between the user & the system:

  1. Admin sets up website stock to be linked to different sources that are allowed to be pick up

  2. Admin sets up schedule of these stores, Google API and enables Click & Collect option in these locations

  3. When customer buys online, customer can fill their address so the system can filter the nearby locations for customer to choose to pick up

  4. Customer chooses store to pick up as a shipping method and choose the expected pickup date based on the schedule of this store

  5. Staff in store sees the list of order need to be picked in his location in Click & Collect App

  6. Staff in store views detail of each order need to be picked to start pack items in the order

  7. During pick items of the order, if staff finds out that not all products are available in store and needs to to delay the pick-up date, staff can change the expected delivery date to notify customer

  8. After packing items in the order, staff can add note to record the necessary information (such as the location of this order: behind the cash register 4) so that staff can easily get the package to give to customer when they come to pick up

  9. Staff can mark order as packed (only when all products are available in store) so this order is tagged as Ready to pick instead of Pending inititally

  10. Customers get notification about the new pickup date or base on their chosen pickup date to go to store to pick up items

  11. Cashier can collect the remaining payment before allowing customer to pick up items

  12. Staff checks Ready-to-pick order list and finds out order ID or customer’s information to allow customer to pick up

  13. Staff marks this order as Collected when customer picks up

6. Alternative flows (if any)

Instead of using Click & Collect in a separate app from the cash register to fully pick items for the pickup orders, staff can use POS register to pick up items and allow customers to pick up items as well.

  1. Staff in the store sees the list of order need to be picked in POS order history

  2. Customer goes to store to pick up items

  3. Staff can collect the remaining payment before allowing customers to pick up items

  4. Staff can allow customers to pick up partially order by using Take Shipment to mark the shipped items

7. Fit & Gap analysis (Keep internal)

Compare this use case with the current Magestore solution to identify 3 types:

FIT 100%
Partially FIT + What is the GAP then?
GAP 100%


  • Cannot mark the order as Partially Picked (only allow fully picked in Click & Collect App or partially shipped in Take Shipment on POS PWA)

  • Cannot validate stock in Pick up store so that when customer chooses to pick up in 1 store, the product can be out of stock in the chosen location

  • Cannot automatically mark the order as Expired after x days so staff can remind customer to pick again or unpack items of this order

  • Cannot print out the picking receipt when customer goes to pick up and upload receipt with customer’s signatures as a proof to avoid the case customer picked up but forget about it or another friend helps them to pick up items but then forget about it

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