Roles & permission


1. Use case name

Roles & permission

2. Keywords


3. Actors + description

  • Define permission by staff’s role in the store/region/company

  • As a store owner, I want to limit the permission of the staff who can change the product price

4. Pre-conditions

Admin user has all permissions or at least the permissions to manage POS, create POS Users & Roles (defined in System > Permissions > User Roles > Create/ Edit Role > Role Resources > POS App Settings > Manage Staff & Manage Roles.

5. Main flow

A POS Role is a set of permissions to take certain actions on Magestore POS. To create a new POS role:

  1. Set up a role based on your process (eg. Cashier, Saleman, Owner, etc,.)

  2. Add permission for each role created
    There are 2 options:

    • All: This role has full permissions to take all actions on PWA POS.

    • Custom: This role only has limited permissions to take specific actions on PWA POS. If this option is selected, the Resources tree-view checkbox will be shown for you to define which permission is enabled.

    If you want to see the list of user accounts assigned to this role, move to Staff List. If you are creating a new role, the list is blank.

  3. Add Staff list to each role

6. Fit & Gap analysis (Keep internal)

Compare this use case with the current Magestore solution to identify 3 types:

FIT 100%
Partially FIT + What is the GAP then?
GAP 100%