Integrate shipping table rate extension of MageWorx

Integrate shipping table rate extension of MageWorx

1. Use case name

Integrate shipping table rate extension of MageWorx

2. Keywords

Integrate, Shipping Table rate, Extension MageWorx

3. Actors + description

4. Pre-conditions

  • POS runs in online mode

  • Mageworx shipping table rate is already integrated with Magento backend

  • Mageworx works on Magento frontend

5. Post-conditions

Any states that the system must be in or conditions that must be met after the use case is completed successfully. These will be met if the main flow or alternative is allowed. Some exceptions may result in failure to meet the Post-conditions.

6. Main flow

  • Log in to POS, add the product to the cart on the check-out page

  • Check-out and add the shipping address.

  • After entering Shipping Address, POS will send a request to Mageworx extension to display all Shipping Methods from it and get the correct Price based on Shipping Rate

    • Displays shipping method returned from Shipping Table Rate extension of Mageworx

    • Including: - Title: [Carrier title] ( - [Shipping method title] - Price: Display the price of shipping method

Notice: title of payment methods (from shipping table rate extension) displayed on POS are be the same as the display on the frontend.

7. Fit & Gap analysis

Compare this use case with the current Magestore solution to identify 3 types:

FIT 100%
Partially FIT + What is the GAP then?
GAP 100%