POS Order calculates the taxation from Avalara
1. Use case name
POS Order calculates the taxation from Avalara
2. Keywords
tax calculate, Avalar, tax on POS, taxation
3. Actors + description
As a cashier, I want the POS Order to calculate the taxation from Avalara
4. Pre-conditions
The POS Enterprise 4. x for Magento Commerce is installed successfully
POS runs in online mode
Avalara is already integrated and stable on the Magento site
Do not calculate tax for products in POS Product Listing
Path: POS > POS Checkout
5. Main flow
The most common path of interactions between the user & the system:
Step 1: Add item into the checkout cart, cashier clicks the checkout button
Step 2: In the checkout cart, the tax will be automatically calculated based on the Alvara extension configuration.
Step 3: When the cashier holds the order, the tax applied to the order will be calculated by Alvara
6. Fit & Gap analysis (Keep internal)
Compare this use case with the current Magestore solution to identify 3 types: