Trolley Convenience Store
Business Overview
What are the typical factors that impact the implementation timeline?
Describe the critical success factors identified in the Project
Cooprate with BSS closely
Challenge and solution when they approach Magestore
The current system, pain point?
Inventory Inaccuracy: No stock synchronization management capabilities now in different systems
Broken customer experience: Cannot update shipping info (tracking number) to customer quickly, limitation for Click & Collect in distribution network
Stakeholders' and characteristics
Ahmed: CIO of Trolley
Adnan: Product lead
Mina: Admin backend
Server Requirement from the client? (for Medium to large clients) Deployment method?
Order History
Typical Customization divided by each phase (Link each Quotation and detail docs)
General explanation for each phase. (purpose, pain point, reason to act)
Process update (Start date, end date for each phase)
Phase 1: 06/2022
Any challenges or obstacles?
Difficult/successful actions were taken to approach the project?
3 projects, client doesn't know a lot about Magento
Room to offer more but working with BSS for website building
Havent' shared with PM but requested Phase 2 and Phase 3
The outcome of each project
Client feedback