"Payroll Deduction" Payment Method

"Payroll Deduction" Payment Method

1. Use case name (Required)

"Payroll Deduction" Payment Method

2. Keywords (Required)

payroll deduction, payment method, custom

3. Actors + description (Required)

  • As the admin, I want to allow customer to take payment using “Payroll Deduction” payment method so that they can pay for their purchase in installment charging directly to their weekly/monthly salary

4. Pre-conditions

  • The customer must belong to the group (e.g. Faculty/Staff, Faculty/Staff/StudentAA) that is eligible for the “Payroll Deduction” payment method

5 Main flow (Required)

The most common path of interactions between the user & the system:

  1. Cashier scans the customer’s ID card using the magnetic strip reader to verify their employment status. The POS system validates and displays the “Payroll Deduction” in payment method

  2. Cashier selects “Payroll Deduction” payment method. The POS system processes and displays the “Payroll Deduction Contract” popup with customer’s information such as Customer Name, Unique Name, and ID automatically filled collected when scanning the customer’s ID card.

  3. Cashier then helps customer to fill in other information in the contract such as their phone number, address, downpayment desired (if the order value is over $500, POS automatically set the downpayment amount to 10%) , deduction options including bi-weekly or monthly deduction (pay each week or pay every month), and deduction terms (customer can further choose how many times do they want to pay the full amount using payroll deduction - like installment but with payroll deduction). The POS then processes and displays the “Monthly Deduction Amount”, “First Deduction”, and “Last Deduction” based on the options selected by the customer, as also the configuration.

  4. Cashier then selects “I agree to these terms” on the behalf of the customer. The POS system processes and display “DownPayment”

  5. Cashier selects the payment method (e.g. Cash or Credit Card) that the customer want to use to make downpayment for the order. Once the downpayment is paid, the POS processes and records the order’ status as “Completed”

6. Fit & Gap analysis (Keep internal)

Compare this use case with the current Magestore solution to identify 3 types:

FIT 100%
Partially FIT + What is the GAP then?
GAP 100%

This payment method is not available on POS

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