Print the invoice from POS
1. Use case name
Print the invoice from POS whenever the order is fully paid
2. Keywords
Print Invoice on POS, invoice
3. Actors + description
As an admin, I would like to print the invoice on the POS
4. Pre-conditions
Online mode to print
5. Main flow
Step 1: Configure the API request on POS setting → integration with the accounting system to generate API
Step 2: Send API request after creating an invoice
Step 3: Print Invoice from POS
On Order history, click to which order would like to print to view detail
Click on Print Invoice:
Click to print all invoice PDF responses from EDX (Each invoice is displayed on a popup print)
Change the title from "Print" to "Print Receipt" to separate Invoice and Receipt meaning.
When clicking the Print Invoice button, if there is no PDF invoice stored on the database, the system will:
show the message "There is no invoice created. Please try again"
then request EDX to create a PDF again.
Step 4: Manage and print invoice on the backend
Backend → Sales → Invoice → Print invoice
When clicking the Print Invoice button, if there is no invoice PDF from EDX stored on the database, the system will:
show the message "There is no invoice created"
Then request EDX to create a PDF again.
After accessing to view an invoice on the backend, the system will check:
If an order is too old and can't request to EDX, the button Print EDX PDF will be hidden
If an order is normal, still show the button EDX PDF
6. Fit & Gap analysis (Keep internal)
Compare this use case with the current Magestore solution to identify 3 types: