Edit batch number in pending order
1. Use case name (Required)
Edit batch number in pending order
2. Keywords (Required)
Edit order, edit batch information
3. Actors + description (Required)
As a staff, while editing order, I would like to edit the batch number if necessary
4. Pre-conditions
System has batch management system and edit order function
6. Main flow (Required)
The most common path of interactions between the user & the system:
In POS Order History, cashier finds the order details and clicks Edit button to go to editing screen.
In Editing Screen, cashier can add comments, change items, quantity and prices and click the proceed button to go to checkout page.
In checkout page, user can add more discount and allocate the payment methods and click Complete to finish the order.
If the order has more than 1 unassigned batch item, the system will display a popup Ship item screen
User clicks a specific Quantity to ship of an item to open the Assigning batch selection popup
In batch selection, user clicks +/- button or manually fills in a number in Quantity to Ship column and clicks Assign batch button to confirm and close the popup or even change the date of batch
Edit batch information- Change the batch expiry date
In the search bar, user can manually type in a batch and clicks enter (instant search will be disabled) to search a specific batch.
User can click to Reset button to set all default values in Quantity to Ship into 0.
User can scan the batch code to increase the quanttiy to ship on a specific batch.
User clicks on the "x" button to clear the search string.
Batch will be hightlighted if the batch is scanned or searched. \
After selecting all required batches for items, user can click the Assign Batch button to assign the batches, create the shipment and complete the order.
Hide the toggle Ship all item and set the value to "Yes" when editing an order.
8. Fit & Gap analysis (Keep internal)
Compare this use case with the current Magestore solution to identify 3 types: