Refund via PayPlaza

Refund via PayPlaza

1. Use case name (Required)

Refund via PayPlaza

2. Keywords (Required)

refund, PayPlaza

3. Actors + description (Required)

  • As the cashier, I want to refund for customer via PayPlaza

4. Main flow (Required)

The most common path of interactions between the user & the system:

  1. Staff finds the order that the customer want to refund by expanding the Menu Side Bar and selecting Order History. Staff then searches for the order using order ID/customer info/scanning receipt and then selects the order that the customer want to refund

  2. Staff then clicks “Refund” button in the Order Details page. The POS processes and displays “Refund Items” page for that specific order.

  3. Staff then select the item and the number of items that the customer want to refund and clicks “Next” button. In case the customer want to return and refund all item that they bought, staff can select “Use Max Qty to Refund” toggle. POS system processes and prompt Refund Adjustment Page

  4. Staff can make adjustment to the refund by selecting “Adjustment refund”, “Adjustment fee”, or “Adjust Earned Points” and clicks “Next” button when finished. The POS processes and prompts Refund Payment Method page.

  5. Staff clicks on “Add Payment” button to view other refund method and select “PayPlaza” as a refund payment method. The POS system processes and displays the PayPlaza refund method

  6. Staff enters the amount that going to be refunded to the customer via PayPlaza for the refund transaction. After processing the refund for the customer on the payment terminal available at the Cashier, staff enters the reference number of the transaction available on the payment terminal to the POS and click “Refund $” button. The POS system processes and displays “Refund Confirmation” popup

  7. Staff enters the reason to refund so that they can track the reason why the customer want to refund the order when looking back in the future and then clicks “Yes”. The POS system processes the refund transaction and displays refund success page including confirmation “Order XXXXXX has been refunded $XXX successfully”

5. Fit & Gap analysis (Keep internal)

Compare this use case with the current Magestore solution to identify 3 types:

FIT 100%
Partially FIT + What is the GAP then?
GAP 100%

Cannot refund with PayPlaza at the moment since there is no integration with PayPlaza

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