Create shipment for in-store purchase

1. Use case name (Required)

Create shipment for in-store purchase

2. Keywords (Required)

shipment, in-store, purchase, order, automatically ship item

3. Actors + description (Required)

  • As a store staff, I want to create order for OOS product

4. Main flow (Required)

The most common path of interactions between the user & the system:

  1. Cashier adds the items that customer want to purchase in the cart and proceed to check-out by clicking on the “Amount” button. The POS system processes and displays the Select Payment Method page.

  2. Cashier then select the payment method that the customer want to use paying for their purchase by clicking on the button representing the payment method. The POS processes and prompt Take Payment page associated with chosen payment method

  3. Cashier then enters the amount of money collected from the customer to register payment and clicks “Complete” to checkout without requiring to switch the toggle “Ship all items” as usual. The POS system processes and changes the status of the transaction to “Complete” with shipping status as shipped/picked up in-store


5. Fit & Gap analysis (Keep internal)

Compare this use case with the current Magestore solution to identify 3 types:

FIT 100%
Partially FIT + What is the GAP then?
GAP 100%

Need to disable “Ship all items” toggle when checking-out