Loyalty program - Reward point
1. Use case name
Loyalty program - Reward point
2. Keywords
Loyalty program, Reward point
3. Actors + description
As a store owner, I want to apply the same loyalty program running on the eCommerce site to the physical stores
4. Main flow (Required)
The most common path of interactions between the user & the system:
Step 1: Set up a rule of reward point at the back end (rule for Earning point and Spending point):
System checks all active Earning rate that is configured in the backend, the apply the highest priority (0)
Conditions to calculate earn point are:
– Website: apply only Earning rate in Default Website
– Customer Groups
– Earning rate
Note: PWA POS could be working in offline mode, so that system can calculate earning points for customers even though the Internet connection is lost.
Step 2: Customer earn point after each transaction
Step 3: Customer spend point in each transaction
Formula: Maximum of redeemable points will be dependent on 4 data:
Maximum redeemable point
Available point balance
Subtotal, Discount, Tax, Shipping fee
Spending rate
Limit Spending points of applied spending rate.
8. Fit & Gap analysis (Keep internal)
Compare this use case with the current Magestore solution to identify 3 types: